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Assumptio Proinnova Foundation

The Assumptio Proinnova Foundation is an initiative from Grupo Asunción whose aim is to channel and boost research and innovation projects and training programmes.  Our objective is that the work of the Foundation results in the improvement of patient care and service and that, in addition, it has a positive impact on our surroundings, with a special impact on the Tolosaldea region, our closest action area.


For this, we encourage the development of research work which has practical implications on our daily work as healthcare providers and which helps us to achieve excellence.  On the other hand, through the Foundation we encourage the organisation of scientific events, chats, conferences and seminars. 


The Foundation has, in addition, a dissemination channel in health with which we want to empower the patient and the public in caring for their health, through chats and campaigns of awareness and knowledge.


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There are three lines which are the backbone of our action and our strategy:

Innovation as a driving force of continuous improvement is the fundamental pillar of the Assumptio Proinnova Foundation. We want to be better each day and the Foundation aims to be the space which enables the channelling of any proposal for improvement which directly benefits our patients, our staff, or the society that surrounds us. 


In order to grow, to imagine new horizons, to begin new paths and to be better each day requires training. Seeing beyond the day to day routine, observing and learning from others, oxygenating the brain with new knowledge and points of view is the hotbed that allows new ideas and knowledge to be generated. That’s why at the Foundation we embrace the continuous training of our staff. 

Innovation per se isn’t worthwhile if it doesn’t end up generating new knowledge that contributes to significant advances. That's why, at the Assumptio ProInnova Foundation, we are clear that any project must end up having an impact in the form of knowledge and that this must be applied, shared and disseminated appropriately. Because he who doesn’t know what he's looking for, doesn’t understand what he finds, our mission is to light up the path and consolidate the objective.

We sponsor and help the development, dissemination of all kinds of projects, research works and studies in the field of Medicine, Health and Social Sciences with the objective of promoting equality, physical well-being, mental well-being and active ageing.

We give support and funding for the development of all types of activities aimed at continuous medical training and the ongoing professional development of doctors and other workers in the health field.

We promote and disseminate medical knowledge amongst the medical profession and throughout society in general


Assumptio Proinnova Foundation

Izaskungo Bidea, 20400, Tolosa

T.: +34 943 697030


¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

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